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안녕하세요... 저는 cafe xe를 사용하는데,
갑자기 관리자 페이지로의 로그인이 계속 실패됩니다.....
로그인 실패로 해결책을 찾아봤더니, 다른 분들은 로그인 실패시 어떤 팝업 창이 떴다고 하시던데,
전 그런 건 없구요, 로그인 버튼을 눌러도 아무런 반응이 없습니다.
서버를 체크해봤지만, 서버에 문제가 있어 보이진 않아요. 왜냐면 똑같은 서버로 제가 두개의 카페를
사용하는데, 문제가 있는 카페 말고 다른 카페는 로그인 하는데 아무런 이상이 없기 때문입니다..
갑자기 이러니 당황스럽네요.... 어떻게 해야 하나요.. 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ!
umm 한국친구 옆에 없어서 영어로 typing 할게요..^^*** ok.. i can't creat a new cafe because only manager can creat new cafe. But i uploaded another cafexe package and make a totally new cafe and it WORKS~ T0T .. so i guess the 1st cafe really have problem T0T and not only login widget.. also when I click "sign up" it don't work.
it says: "Safari can’t connect to the server.
메인 홈페이지 주소와 새로 생성한 카페 주소를 모두 여기에 적어 보십시오.
What is your website address?
the cafe which doesn't work: http://www.tvxqfly.net/pnn/TeaTime (*that "pnn" is xe also.. i just change the name to separate from xe folder)
the cafe which works:http://www.tvxqfly.net/xe/Fly_Cafe
Thank you very muchTOT..
ssl 기능은 인증서가 없으면 사용하면 안됩니다.(If you have not certificate, don't use ssl function.)
OMG!!! 백성찬 님!!! i can't believe it works!! and thank you very much!
u helped me before by your cafe xe member list correction post(do u still remember?!)
i am so happy and I am dancing around now if u can see~^^
thank you for caring about people you don't know. i am very appreciate. T0T
백성한 님....ㅠㅠㅠㅠAfter being fixed, it works until today... T0T there is something wrong with my Cafe again.. i can't open it right now. when I type the address and enter
this thing will pop out..
and after i tried to login by the ID of admin, it says that my ID is invalid.
I didn't do anything abnormal.. TTT
just normal post and comment, and all of sudden i can't access.. T0T
the other cafe within the same DATABASE still works fine.
again the addresses: the cafe which doesn't work: http://www.tvxqfly.net/pnn/TeaTime
the cafe which works:http://www.tvxqfly.net/xe/Fly_Cafe
Thank you very muchTOT..
외부에서는 알 수가 업습니다.
새 카페를 생성해서 테스트 해보시시오.