4 avril 2010
AjaXplorer 2.6 : Security Fixes
Vulnerabilities were found in the previous versions by Julien Cayssol. They are fixed in 2.6 version and thus UPGRADING IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all productions environnements. If you are using 2.5.5, a specific package is released that you can very simply use to override your current installation without touching anything to your configs. Otherwise, you’ll have to follow the 2.5.5 and previous upgrade instructions.
As the vulnerabilities where found during a massive refactoring, the 2.6 just contains the vulnerabilities fixes, nothing more. See 2.7.1 if you would like to test the latest features!
AjaXplorer 2.6 download page : Download on Sourceforge
AjaXplorer Upgrade 2.5.5 -> 2.6 : Download on Sourceforge
Documentation : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/wordpress/documentation/
Demo : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/demo/
Forum : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/forum/
You like it ? Please support us with a donation! We do need it, as you are more and more users…
AjaXplorer 2.7.1 : Early Beta for AjaXplorer 3.0
A huge refactoring was performed on both the server and the client side, leading to a very high degree of modularisation of the architecture. This should still be totally compatible with the previous versions configs (users, repositories, preferences), but not with the plugins and GUI customizations that will probably need a bit of rewriting.
Due to the profound changes, we need to beta-test the architecture and we need help for that! Every people willing to install and play with this package is welcome! You may then follow the 2.7.X versions that should fix the bugs and lead to the stable 3.0. Some features are still not totally finished (ssh does not work, for example), some may be added before main release, with your help. I’m spending some time writing developer documentation, it can be found here). Thus if you have customized your installation with specific plugins or GUI customisation, you may want to have a look, ask questions, play with the new architecture… May be your specific customization can turn out to be a killer plugin for next version??
I will open a « 3.0 Bugs » category in the forum, please use it as the bugtracker, setting any bug you add with this category. Please check for duplicates, and be precise in bugs description. Already a very special « big up » to Jean-Marie for testing the SVN and helping me going to this 2.7.1!
See release note for more details about the bugs fixed and features.
AjaXplorer 2.7.1 download page : Download on Sourceforge [Once again, beware, this package should not be installed in a production environnement!]
AjaXplorer 2.6 : Security Fixes
Vulnerabilities were found in the previous versions by Julien Cayssol. They are fixed in 2.6 version and thus UPGRADING IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all productions environnements. If you are using 2.5.5, a specific package is released that you can very simply use to override your current installation without touching anything to your configs. Otherwise, you’ll have to follow the 2.5.5 and previous upgrade instructions.
As the vulnerabilities where found during a massive refactoring, the 2.6 just contains the vulnerabilities fixes, nothing more. See 2.7.1 if you would like to test the latest features!
AjaXplorer 2.6 download page : Download on Sourceforge
AjaXplorer Upgrade 2.5.5 -> 2.6 : Download on Sourceforge
Documentation : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/wordpress/documentation/
Demo : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/demo/
Forum : http://www.ajaxplorer.info/forum/
You like it ? Please support us with a donation! We do need it, as you are more and more users…
AjaXplorer 2.7.1 : Early Beta for AjaXplorer 3.0
A huge refactoring was performed on both the server and the client side, leading to a very high degree of modularisation of the architecture. This should still be totally compatible with the previous versions configs (users, repositories, preferences), but not with the plugins and GUI customizations that will probably need a bit of rewriting.
Due to the profound changes, we need to beta-test the architecture and we need help for that! Every people willing to install and play with this package is welcome! You may then follow the 2.7.X versions that should fix the bugs and lead to the stable 3.0. Some features are still not totally finished (ssh does not work, for example), some may be added before main release, with your help. I’m spending some time writing developer documentation, it can be found here). Thus if you have customized your installation with specific plugins or GUI customisation, you may want to have a look, ask questions, play with the new architecture… May be your specific customization can turn out to be a killer plugin for next version??
I will open a « 3.0 Bugs » category in the forum, please use it as the bugtracker, setting any bug you add with this category. Please check for duplicates, and be precise in bugs description. Already a very special « big up » to Jean-Marie for testing the SVN and helping me going to this 2.7.1!
See release note for more details about the bugs fixed and features.
AjaXplorer 2.7.1 download page : Download on Sourceforge [Once again, beware, this package should not be installed in a production environnement!]

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